Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Year End

And as the year comes to an end I have to say that it has been an eventful 2008. No complaints here. We celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary, 1st anniversary with a new house, my first new car, a new cousin, Luka, and last but certainly not least the birth of Easton in August.

I have to say that it has been a crazy year but both Darrell and I are very excited to see what 2009 has to offer. We are expecting 2 new cousins in the spring and many trips to FL to visit family. That is one thing that we wish we could change....being closer to family! Soon hopefully!

As we all ring in the New Year, we wish you a happy, safe and healthy 2009!

My 1st Christmas

 With this being Easton's first Christmas he didn't go without every toy imaginable.  He got tons of toys to play with, some for now and some when he gets a little older.  He got a Jumperoo, books, puzzles, Baby Einstein movies and his first pair of Puma's.
We got to have both sets of parents here for the holidays and engage in all the family craziness. But that is what the holidays are is all about family!  
We went to Opryland and saw all the beautiful lights and also got to see ICE!, the Grinch!  It was very fun and very cold!  Needless to say, it was perfect!  We love having family around and celebrating the holidays with them.

Monday, December 29, 2008

I Love Cereal

We gave Easton cereal last week and he LOVED it!  We also gave him applesauce and he ate it all up!  I had no doubt that he big boy!

Happy Holidays!

 I know we are a little late, but Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Roll Over, Roll Over

This is what Easton can do now! How exciting, I never thought he was going to. He also doesn't want to sleep with his Boppy anymore. He just screams at night when we put him down. He definitely is on his own time...this is scary! He knows who is boss and it sure isn't mom and the moment! He is only 4 months. He now wants to lay on his side and roll from one side to the other at night (he loves sleeping on his stomach) and be in complete control. We are going to have our hands full with our little leo.
Also he is eating cereal now. How cute to watch it shuffle around in his mouth. He knows what to do with it and is really enjoying sitting in his high chair like a big boy!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I'm a Big Boy

So yesterday we went to the Dr. for Easton's 4 month check-up and everything went great. Except for the fact that it took forever but that is expected. He is 16 lbs. 3 oz and 24 1/2 inches. Easton is in the 75th percentile for his age. And the other good thing is we can now start him on cereal. I am excited....what a mess it will be!

Friday, December 12, 2008

YMCA: Easton Going to Daycare

Yay!  All snuggly and ready for school!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

4 Months

I cannot believe that next week Easton will be 4 months. With that said we also have his 4 month check-up, which means more shots. I hate that part! But he is a trooper. 
He is at the stage that he thinks he is a "big boy" and wants to do things on his own. When you pick him up he wants to help you by lifting his whole body up. It is too can see him straining his neck muscles trying so hard. Also now that he is home with Daddy 2 days a weeks they are both learning from each other. Yesterday, he did not want Darrell to hold him while feeding him, he wanted to sit in the chair and have the bottle held to his mouth. He wanted to put his hands on the bottle. Wow, that's impressive! And with that said Darrell has learned how to calm him down by rocking him on his foot and playing the "Mr. Horsey" game. Not the traditional way of doing things but whatever works!  I guess as time goes on, we will do whatever is needed to calm him down.  Every day just gets better and better!  He is so amazing!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Zodiac Sign - LEO: This is who I am!

What a delight, you have your very own adorable, fun loving Cosmic Cub. You've certainly got a Prince or Princess on your hands and they won't want you to forget that. A little bowing to their higher majesty will keep them happily looking after the peasants in their lives.
These are the Kings and Queens of the Zodiac, with the Sun, the center of the solar system, their ruling planet.
Just as the Sun takes center stage in the solar system and is the giver of all light, so are these little cosmic limelight stealer's. They just love to be the center of attention and to feel that they're the center of your universe.
Your little Cub has earned his or her right, the moment they were born and don't ever try and take it away from them, or try and take them off that pedestal. They belong up there and they were born to shine. Your job, as a parent, is to make sure that all the creativity, color and magic in your little Cosmic Cub, can find its way out.
Your little Cub has so much pride, that the way to hurt them the most, is to hurt that pride. Even when they're taking themselves far too seriously, never laugh at them, just keep them close to you and make sure that they know that they're Daddy's little princess and Mummy's knight in shining armor.
Your little Cub's hero is Hercules, deity behind this sign. Hercules struggled with his own strength and achieved success by harnessing his own talents and skills. Your little Cub belongs to one of the most talented of all the signs and from an early age is likely to display a talent, even if it is to just whirl around the living room, singing out "watch me everybody, watch me dance".
As your Cosmic Cub grows up, let them experience opportunities to find their niche. Let them be the guide, for there will be a talent in there somewhere, trying to come out. Don't hinder that, or decide what it is. It's God given and it will come out naturally, at the right time and at the right stage. All you've got to do, as the parent of a Cosmic Cub, is to keep that confidence strong.
Leo's energy is one of love, laughter and play, yet Leo's can have their dark times, especially when they fail to live up to their own, really high expectations.
You've brought a little ray of sunshine into your home and the light will grow stronger by the years. Everything about your Cosmic Cub is creative and fun.
Love them and watch how they develop and continue to surprise you. Just when you think you know them, they'll grow and develop even more. They're going to grow up to be the Lovers of the Zodiac, the great romancers. Your Cosmic Cub will thrive when there's lots of open love and affection between his or her parents.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Florida Trip

For Thanksgiving we went to FL to visit family. We were very excited to see everyone but very happy to be home. 9 days is a long time to be away from home without the help of Daddy. It is nice to be in a routine. But with the help from all the family Easton didn't go 5 minutes without getting some love. I think he became a tad bit spoiled this past week.
We also took our first plane ride. That was fun. Actually the plane was not bad it was the airport that was awful. First off it is 25 degress in Nashville when we leave so we are both really bundled up. We get to the airport, park and check in at the ticket counter. At this point everything is running smooth, until....we get to security. The agent notices that on the ticket it list the child's name as: Amanda, which clearly is not my son's name. So he has to call a supervisor over and get permission to let us through the gate and to prove that my son is actually my son. We only 45 minutes to get to the gate and of course I am in a panic because I know how heavy the carseat is. Once we get through security we have to go through the X-Ray machines and of course the line is long. Not only do we wait another 10 minutes but then I have to take Easton out of his carseat (while he is sleeping and so snuggly wrapped) so we can run it through the machine. Like I would hide anything in my baby's carseat. And if I didn't want to take him out then "They could call a supervisor over"....I don't think so! I have already done that once that morning. So we get through with no alarms going off and take the mile long hike down to the last gate at the airport. You wouldn't believe how heavy the carseat was, how sore my arm was and how many people looked (well stared) at me struggling and didn't even bother to ask if they could help. Once I get there they are already boarding. Nice! Not only do I have to wait for my number to be called but as I am walking down the aisle carrying the carseat people fail to acknowledge that I am coming and proceed to put their elbows in the aisle. It's not my fault they will now have black and blue marks. Once we get to our row (in the back of the plane...which was not full) I turn around to find someone sitting next to us. Are you kidding me? If you know SW then you know it is not assigned seating. Why would you want to sit next to a baby? Nobody wants that seat. Anyhow by this point we are both tired and a little hot because it is 80 degrees on the plane but we settle down and the flight is perfect. He slept the entire time and did not fuss one bit. What a good boy!
Being away from all our family makes us really miss FL. One day we will be back down there. But until then the plane rides and long road trips will have to do.
He also got to meet his Aunt Kellie for the first time as well as his future cousin, Baby Springer, and second cousins, Luka and Baby Reiter. How exciting. Luka is such a handsome little guy. I can't wait until next year when they are both bigger and can really run around.
Also, with me going back to work, Easton will be going to daycare. How bittersweet. He is such a sweet boy in the morning that leaving him will be hard but how exciting it will be when I get home. He is getting really big and I am sure he will enjoy it. All of the teachers are really nice.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Time to catch up!

It's been awhile since we have wrote anything but we are back.  Life has been busy with Darrell being sick and Easton requiring so much attention these days.  He is getting sooo big but cuter than ever!  He is making so much noise and always wants your attention.  He just wants to play and know that you are looking at him.  
It has been very cold here and rainy the last few days.  Instead of going for walks we have been doing pilates and baby yoga.  Not as effective but it works.
We leave for FL in 4 days.  Yeah!  It should be interesting since this will be Easton's first time flying.  Please do good, please do good!  Darrell will coming down a few days later so it will just be the two of us!  I am ready for the adventure.  I will have to post when we get back to let you know how it  goes.
I posted some pictures of Easton in his winter coat before one of our chilly walks.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Back to Work...Soon

So as December approaches, I have to go back to work.  Boo-hoo!  3 more weeks left at home with the little man.  I am not excited about it but it will be semi-part time.  We are slow at the hotel and hours will be cut so I guess it is a blessing in disguise.  We will see how the schedule will work and it may work for the better.  Hopefully!
With that said, Easton will be going to daycare.  I admit, I know that I will have separation anxiety.  It will probably easier for him than it is for me.  He will be going to the local YMCA and the staff there is great.  They are so nice and the facility is new, just opened in September.  This makes it a little easier but not much.  I never thought I would have to do this....actually I knew I would, I just hoped that I wouldn't have to.  But it is what it is.  I have enjoyed every day home with him and the next 3 weeks to come.

Monday, October 27, 2008


So I enjoy the cool, brisk weather but come we have to get the sniffels?  I guess with a high of 50 degrees and a 25 degree wind chill the only way to avoid it is to stay inside.  But instead we will go for a walk (Easton loves them!) and maybe do some window shopping.  That is all the budget will allow these days.  I cannot wait for the economy to get better....but until then, we browse the aisles and dream of what toy we will get next!

Yeah! I'm going to have a cousin!

So Darrell and I found out that Easton is going to have another cousin!  The first was Luka, he was born in March. We are so excited for Jon and Nicolette and we cannot wait to see them soon! Congrats!  Cannot wait to meet your little person- June 09'

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I'm a Stud

This past weekend Grandma Cindy & Grandpa Robert were in town visiting.  We had a blast!  We went to the Farmer's Market on Saturday to pick out some pumpkins and hay to decorate our front porch.  On Sunday, we went to Gentry Farms to a pumpkin patch where you get to pick your own pumpkin.  Wow, that was fun!  That is one thing that we don't have in Florida.  They had a corn maze, nature trails, animals, and hayrides. Easton loved being outside in his carrier and watching the crowd.  It did make him sleepy so in the middle of all the festivities he fell asleep. But I think I had more fun than was such nice weather and just being outside with no worries enjoying the laughter of all the other kids around.  I cannot wait until he gets a little older when he can run around and join the chaos.  The temperature did not get above 70 degrees. Now that is fall!
Also on Sunday we dressed Easton up in his Halloween costume.  Ha....that was fun!  When he gets older he will wonder what the heck were we thinking!  He is a pony...well a stud!  See Roxy has a cowgirl outfit with a hat, scarf, lasso...everything!  How appropriate to have them match. He was very patient with us and let us take some cute shots.  The only time he got fussy was when I put on his hat.  But other than that he was a trooper!  We are having way too much fun with him and all the outfit changes.  Just wait until Christmas.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Dr.'s Appointment

So yesterday we went to the Dr. for Easton's 8 week check-up.  He got his shots and was such a trooper.  I think it was harder for me and Darrell than it was for him.  He did cry but then dad picked him up and he was fine.  
He grew 2 inches and gained 5 lbs. 2 oz.  So now he is 23 inches and 12 lbs. 11 oz.  What a big boy! He is now our "little pudgy man".  So cute!  The Dr. is not worried about his size and said that everything with him looks good.   It is better for him to gain weight than to lose it.  He is a good eater!

"Say Cheese"

On Wednesday we took Easton to get his picture taken.  He is more photogenic than his parents, which is a good thing.  But WOW, what an adventure that was!  Everything started off good but it slooowly went downhill from there.  He first thought it would be the perfect time to fill his diaper.  So I changed him and then we took bare baby shots and he decided that it would be a good idea to spit up on the blanket he was laying on.  After cleaning that up, he peed.  That's right, he peed and oh yeah, spit up again!  After being thoroughly embarrassed and spending 1 1/2 hours there we only got 19 pictures.  We did get some good shots and we are just waiting for them to get printed.  I think it will be some time before we go into the studio again.  Let's wait until he is a little older.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Can we say "Mama's Boy"...

So I am slowly realizing that Easton is a Mama's Boy.  He loves dad but it just not the same.  Last night I ran out to get dinner, was gone for 45 minutes and when I got back he was getting his diaper changed and crying (which isn't too out of the ordinary).  I picked him up and he stopped, like magic.  I must be the baby whisperer. Then I was told he cried (or shall I say screamed) the entire time. Why does this happen?  I do not spoil him when I am home.  Sure I do love on him and we play all the time but come on, I wouldn't call it spoiling.  I can't imagine being gone an entire day and leaving him with someone that he is just going to cry for.  I hope that it was just a fluke and this will not become routine.  But take a look at that face...wouldn't you spoil him a little too?

Thursday, October 9, 2008

He's Growing So Big

Spending the last 2 weeks with Easton home has been an adventure.  We are missing Darrell but are doing good.  He is growing so fast and he is showing his personality more and more everyday.  I know that I said before that he is smiling more, but wow, how much he is.  Every waking moment he is smiling and cooing and making noises.  He is trying to see what his vocal cords can do.  He makes the coolest sounds and we call them "squirrely".  They sound so cartoonish.  He lets us know when he is angry or hungry or needs his diaper changed though....that doesn't go unnoticed.  

We also went to visit Grandma Dayton for a few days.  Boy did she eat him up.  He was one loved on little boy.  This is her first Great Grandson.  She was so happy to see us both.  

Next week we go to the Dr. for his 8 week check-up.  I can't believe it has been that long.  It feels like yesterday that I was just pregnant.  He will get weighed while there....ouch!  I think he is a big boy but only the scale will tell!  Hopefully he won't be an obese baby...haha.  What has the world come to?  Easton will also get all of his 8 weeks shots as well.  I imagine it will be tough to gear him go through the pain.  But he is a trooper and I am sure he will be fine.  I will keep you updated on his progress as he continues to grow.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2nd Day Without Dad

Today is the second day that Darrell had to go back to work.  He missed us both but knew that he left the baby in good hands.  I had no idea how helpful it was to have him home.  Its the little things that we both miss.  Easton has been a little needy and wants to be held a lot.  We are managing though.  I have learned to many things with just one hand.

Everyday he is growing so big.  He has started to not only smile at us but also to make cooing sounds while doing it.  How adorable!  He is becoming more vocal and is always making noise...even while sleeping.  He does a lot of grunting when we put him down at night.  Not fussy just making noise and trying to fight sleep.  Sleeping always wins and gets the best of him :) During the day when he is not eating or sleeping I really enjoy playing with him.  It makes it tough to know that soon I will have to leave him with someone new while I go back to work.  Mixed emotions about the whole idea.  This has caused the most anxiety and frustration in me since I knew I was pregnant.  We will make it work though....we always do.  We just have to find the right person to care for him and love him just as much as we do.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Easton's First Blog

This is my first official blog!  We just got back from visiting Florida on Friday.  What a long trip that was!  Easton was a trooper and slept majority of the way up and back.  If we didn't run into traffic on the long hauls it would have been completely stress-free.  But who can predict traffic?

It was so nice to see our families and spend time with everyone.  I wish that we had more time to spend down home so we can really see EVERYONE.  It is so tuff to make all the rounds in such a short amount of time.  Both sets of Grandparents were so excited to see Easton and they are so proud.  What a handsome little man he his.  He met his Aunt Becca and Aunt Sarah for the first time as well as Grandpa Don (we haven't figured out what to call them yet).  

Darrell goes back to work on Monday and Easton and I will have time to ourselves and get back to our daily walks.  Boy does he love being outdoors!

I will post a few pictures of our trip and try to keep everyone updated as much as possible.  I imagine this is the easiest way to keep in contact with everyone and keep the family in the loop.

Stay tuned for updates!