What a delight, you have your very own adorable, fun loving Cosmic Cub. You've certainly got a Prince or Princess on your hands and they won't want you to forget that. A little bowing to their higher majesty will keep them happily looking after the peasants in their lives.
These are the Kings and Queens of the Zodiac, with the Sun, the center of the solar system, their ruling planet.
Just as the Sun takes center stage in the solar system and is the giver of all light, so are these little cosmic limelight stealer's. They just love to be the center of attention and to feel that they're the center of your universe.
Your little Cub has earned his or her right, the moment they were born and don't ever try and take it away from them, or try and take them off that pedestal. They belong up there and they were born to shine. Your job, as a parent, is to make sure that all the creativity, color and magic in your little Cosmic Cub, can find its way out.
Your little Cub has so much pride, that the way to hurt them the most, is to hurt that pride. Even when they're taking themselves far too seriously, never laugh at them, just keep them close to you and make sure that they know that they're Daddy's little princess and Mummy's knight in shining armor.
Your little Cub's hero is Hercules, deity behind this sign. Hercules struggled with his own strength and achieved success by harnessing his own talents and skills. Your little Cub belongs to one of the most talented of all the signs and from an early age is likely to display a talent, even if it is to just whirl around the living room, singing out "watch me everybody, watch me dance".
As your Cosmic Cub grows up, let them experience opportunities to find their niche. Let them be the guide, for there will be a talent in there somewhere, trying to come out. Don't hinder that, or decide what it is. It's God given and it will come out naturally, at the right time and at the right stage. All you've got to do, as the parent of a Cosmic Cub, is to keep that confidence strong.
Leo's energy is one of love, laughter and play, yet Leo's can have their dark times, especially when they fail to live up to their own, really high expectations.
You've brought a little ray of sunshine into your home and the light will grow stronger by the years. Everything about your Cosmic Cub is creative and fun.
Love them and watch how they develop and continue to surprise you. Just when you think you know them, they'll grow and develop even more. They're going to grow up to be the Lovers of the Zodiac, the great romancers. Your Cosmic Cub will thrive when there's lots of open love and affection between his or her parents.