Monday, January 4, 2010

BIG Plans for 2010

With 2010 just beginning, I have BIG plans for the new year. Right now they are just goals, but they will turn into working plans and then completed goals.
My list is a little long so I won't post but just know that the next few months will be very busy with our family expanding and what will happen after that is still out in the open. We have to take each month, step by step.
2009 was good, but 2010 has got to better. There were so many roller coaster rides that we all went through and I am ready for it to all level out.

Christmas Update

Just a few updates from the holiday....what a great day we had. It was definitely quiet but nice to start our own family traditions.
Santa came to visit Easton and he was excited to open all of his gifts. He got some Lego's, Little People, and some other toys to help him learn and encourage his development. To our surprise he was so patient when it came time to open the gifts. Once they were unwrapped he waited so patiently for us to take them out of the package so he could play with them. What a good boy he is! We had to take a break from the gifts to enjoy our French Toast Casserole, and then back to more gift opening.
We made a nice Christmas dinner of Turkey, Stuffing, Sweet Potato Casserole, Cranberries and Apple Crumble for dessert. It was delicious! The turkey was amazing.
I was a little under the weather for the holidays with a Sinus Infection but I managed and am now feeling much better.
Overall, it was a very nice time with our little family and next year will be much more exciting with 2 little ones running around.