Sorry it has been so long since the last post. We have had
a lot going go. The
Internet is still not being hooked up (our have to cut $$ somewhere) and now the battery is dead. So what are you going to do?
I went back to FL with
Easton for Nicolette's baby shower at the first of April and am still trying to play catch up!
Easton was such a good boy and how he loved the attention from the family. Papa and
Easton did a lot of bonding that week. Of course at the shower he just got passed around and slept for almost 2 hours after the festivities were over. He is a party boy! The shower was great and Nicolette is just the cutest thing ever!
We took
Easton to
Raindancer and introduced the first grandchild to the owner. Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Robert having been going there for years and took their kids there so it was very exciting to see how the family has expanded over the years.
Also on our trip
Easton's 2
nd tooth broke through. They are still baby teeth and not fully pushed through but they are hurting him like crazy.
Also he is going through this crazy sleep pattern where he wants to wake up every 3 hours. He also wakes up about 2:30am or 3am and wants to play for about 30 min. and then go back to sleep. This is not working for me. I am very sleep deprived. It would be totally different if he ate and then went back to sleep, but not lately. I hope this pattern ends soon!
If you didn't already know, Darrell has switched positions at work where he is not in Deli anymore but instead on the Front End. He now has to be in bed by 8:30pm and up by 2:30am. Crazy right! This has made things interesting around the house as well. Our already tight and compacted schedule has just become more tight and compacted. I didn't think this was possible. It will take time to adjust I suppose. But for the record...I am not a big fan, at all!
Other then the usual, that is how things are going. I hope to keep you updated on a more regular basis.