Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Off to the races...

So within the last week Easton is really on the move. He is not up to a full crawl with his knees up but he can definitely get from point A to point B. He scoots so fast. We can no longer put him on the bed or ottoman to play, so it is all floor time, and sometimes that is not enough space for him. When I get ready in the morning I set him outside the door with a few toys and hope that he stays put for a little while. Before I know it he is latched on to my leg and crawling on the bathroom floor. Not really a place I want him to play!
Roxy is not much of an entertainer, she knows he will pull her hair, but she always makes him laugh and keeps him occupied for a few minutes. It is really funny to see how excited he gets when she is around and it always puts a smile on both mine and Darrell's face.
Also last week Easton cut his first top tooth. Still a little baby tooth. It is not his front tooth. It is his eye tooth...like a vampire! That will be funny once it fully comes in.

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