Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2nd Day Without Dad

Today is the second day that Darrell had to go back to work.  He missed us both but knew that he left the baby in good hands.  I had no idea how helpful it was to have him home.  Its the little things that we both miss.  Easton has been a little needy and wants to be held a lot.  We are managing though.  I have learned to many things with just one hand.

Everyday he is growing so big.  He has started to not only smile at us but also to make cooing sounds while doing it.  How adorable!  He is becoming more vocal and is always making noise...even while sleeping.  He does a lot of grunting when we put him down at night.  Not fussy just making noise and trying to fight sleep.  Sleeping always wins and gets the best of him :) During the day when he is not eating or sleeping I really enjoy playing with him.  It makes it tough to know that soon I will have to leave him with someone new while I go back to work.  Mixed emotions about the whole idea.  This has caused the most anxiety and frustration in me since I knew I was pregnant.  We will make it work though....we always do.  We just have to find the right person to care for him and love him just as much as we do.

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