Thursday, December 11, 2008

4 Months

I cannot believe that next week Easton will be 4 months. With that said we also have his 4 month check-up, which means more shots. I hate that part! But he is a trooper. 
He is at the stage that he thinks he is a "big boy" and wants to do things on his own. When you pick him up he wants to help you by lifting his whole body up. It is too can see him straining his neck muscles trying so hard. Also now that he is home with Daddy 2 days a weeks they are both learning from each other. Yesterday, he did not want Darrell to hold him while feeding him, he wanted to sit in the chair and have the bottle held to his mouth. He wanted to put his hands on the bottle. Wow, that's impressive! And with that said Darrell has learned how to calm him down by rocking him on his foot and playing the "Mr. Horsey" game. Not the traditional way of doing things but whatever works!  I guess as time goes on, we will do whatever is needed to calm him down.  Every day just gets better and better!  He is so amazing!

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